Happy New Year - 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Year, may 2013 be the best year yet! It is hard to believe that 2013 is here. 2012 has been an amazing year with a son getting married and a daughter who just recently got engaged. Our family is growing with a daughter in law and soon (2014) a son in law. We are with high hopes that we will be able to have my mother in law soon with us. This past year, I have photographed a weddings in so many new places like Miami, Florida with my friend Michelle, Bald Head Island, the Carolina Theater, and the Aqueduct in Chapel Hill. Traveling to Las Vegas with my friend Jennifer to go to the Wedding MBA convention was fantastic, and in three days, we saw the world (well Vegas style). I have reached quite a few goals that I set this past year and thought I set some news ones and begin sharing them with you here on the blog. So as this day comes to a close, I hope your first day of the New Year was filled with lots of laughter and joy. More than that, I wish you a new year filled with lots of adventures and endless possiblities! Happy and Blessed New Year to you!
A few goals I have...
1. Help my daughter with her wedding preparation
2. Date nights with my hubby
3. Blog More :)
4. Volunteer my time
5. Donate more to my favorite charities
6. Laugh more
7. Lose weight
8. Exercise more
9. Get my Passport
10. Travel to Europe
11. Read more books (I have a bunch stacked not including those on my iPad)
12. Save my pennies
13. Visit my sister in California
14. Paint with my daughter
15. Keep learning an growing
16. Share my knowledge
17. Decorate my home
18. Get published
19. Photograph an international wedding
20. Enter my work in more competitions